
Hi!! I’m your instructor this semester.

I’m a PhD student here at UC Berkeley, advised by Björn Hartmann and Armando Fox. I research human-computer interaction, recently with a particular focus on how AI can help people build digital workflows.

Before coming to UC Berkeley, I was a software engineer at Meta, working on fighting misinformation, and then a senior software engineer at Turnitin, working on the Gradescope product.

In my spare time, I really enjoy studying languages. Most recently, my focus is on Mandarin! You’ll also catch me talking to myself in broken French, Spanish, and ASL.

Teaching Assistants

Hiya! I’ll be your head TA this summer — feel free to reach out to me with questions, no matter how small you think they be 🙂

I’m an incoming grad student in EECS at UC Berkeley, advised by James Demmel. I also did my undergrad at Cal and have done/do research in using Bayesian Statistics to improve High-Performant Systems (yes, this does include LLMs), as well as NLP, Deep RL, Graphics (NeRFs specifically!), and CS Education.

In my spare time, I enjoy exploring new things. Before this summer session, I’ve spent my time traveling, hiking, and learning languages. I’ve also spent a lot of time cleaning up old side projects and reading! Looking forward to learning with everyone this summer :D

I’m a 5th year PhD student studying Human Computer Interaction with Bjoern Hartmann, focusing on presence while interacting with computational systems. In particular, I study Virtual Reality interfaces and the relationship that people have with their bodies while in them.

Prior to grad school, I worked as a software engineer in the video game industry as a gameplay programmer, and worked on backend platform systems. I got my undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley EECS as well as an MS degree through the 5th year MS program here. I’m happy to talk about my experience with that program or industry!

I spend my free time with two toy poodles and my lovely wife. You’ll also find me playing video games, rotting on the couch, or learning to cook something new (inbox is open to dank recipes).

Hi everyone ! My name is Christopher - a 3-time TA for 160 as well as a HCI researcher in the Hybrid Ecologies Lab. I really enjoy obscure video games (play hylics !) so hmu with recs :D

Super excited to spend the summer with y’all !